Roppongi Clinic 六本木クリニック




  • Depression and Diet are Actually Related

    Did you know that paying attention to your diet can prevent or improve mental illnesses like depression? The gut and brain have a close connection, and specific gut bacteria can increase your risk of depression. For example, one study found that people who eat a diet high in processed foods had an increased risk of…

  • Celebrating World Mental Health Day!

    Today — Tuesday, Oct. 10th — is World Mental Health Day! World Mental Health Day is a holiday that advocates for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. World Mental Health Day exists thanks to the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH), a global organization established in 1948. Since World Mental Health…

  •  Feeling S.A.D.?

     It’s about that time of the year again — the days are getting shorter, the nights darker, and the weather’s getting colder.  The loss of all the bright, sunny weather is enough to make anyone feel sad, but it just might make some people develop stronger depressive feelings — such as S.A.D. Seasonal affective disorder…